Since 2003 Infocare Solutions has provided New Zealand’s childcare services with childcare management software you can trust and new solutions that genuinely transform your service.
Our childcare software is developed by childcare people for childcare people – solving everything from reporting, billing, funding and much more.
Our Innovative add-ons and Partner Solutions have proven to gain lost revenue, create new opportunities and create better relationships with your families!Infocare childcare management software is a state-of-the-art software system designed specifically for use in childcare, day care, and kindergarten centres in New Zealand. It incorporates all aspects of the day to day administration, record keeping and management for childcare centres and kindergartens including basic accounting software and innovative tools to aid in the running of your centre.
Infocare childcare management software provides facilities for recording bookings, health details, timetables and all administration surrounding government funding requirements and Ministry of Education statistics.
The software is cloud based using the latest technology. This provides users with the ability to do their administration from absolutely anywhere as long as you have an internet connection. The system also allows multiple users to access the system simultaneously.
Our committed support team are experts in Infocare and have worked in childcare or kindergartens. They have an integral understanding of the system from your point of view.
Trusted for its accuracy, ease of use, reliability and security, Infocare is used by many hundreds of childcare centres and kindergartens in New Zealand every day. These centres range from individually owned childcare centres, kindergarten associations, corporate childcare companies, home based networks and after school care programmes.
Infocare is currently the most widely used system in the early childhood sector in New Zealand.
Find out why childcare centres keep choosing Infocare as their first choice in reliability and innovation.